Find the best charities for improving happiness
We’ve done over 40,000 hours of research to find which charities create the most happiness per dollar.
Our research shows some charities are at least 5 times more cost-effective than the leading benchmark. Other charities could be 100 times more cost-effective.
The top charities cover areas like mental health, nutrition and poverty.
Happiness as a measure of success
Everyone agrees that happiness is important.
So why does society measure success in terms of wealth or physical health, and completely ignore happiness?
It doesn’t have to be that way. We can use happiness as a measure of success.
Recently, the UK and New Zealand governments started measuring their people’s happiness. They do this using a metric called a “WELLBY”.
We think this idea makes a lot of sense. That’s why we also use WELLBYs to compare charities based on how much happiness they create.
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