
Find the best charities for improving happiness

Our extensive research shows which charities create the most happiness per dollar.   

The top charities cover areas like mental health, nutrition and poverty.   

Let's work together to create a happier world

Our extensive research shows which charities create the most happiness per dollar.   

The top charities cover areas like mental health, nutrition and poverty.   

Happiness as a measure of success

Everyone agrees that happiness is important. However, the world still tends to measure success in terms of wealth or physical health – completely ignoring happiness…

… But it doesn’t have to be that way. We can measure people’s happiness using a metric called a WELLBY. 

Times are changing. Even the UK Treasury is starting to measure happiness using WELLBYs. 

Proven to maximise happiness

We’ve done over 40,000 hours of research to find which charities create the most happiness in the world. 

Our research shows some charities are at least 5 times more cost-effective than the leading benchmark.  

Other charities we’ve assessed could be 50–100x more cost-effective

Our work has been featured in

Reviews from industry experts

Prof Peter Singer
“It was through HLI that I became aware of StrongMinds and started donating to that remarkable organisation. Doing what we can to make everyone's lives happier is something we should all be concerned about.”
Prof Peter Singer
Founder | The Life You Can Save
Prof Peter Singer
Prof Peter Singer
Founder | The Life You Can Save
Prof Jan-Emmanuel De Neve
“HLI is at the cutting edge of wellbeing research. They are leading the way to ensure that philanthropists and policymakers use their resources as effectively as possible to make people happier. ”

Prof Jan-Emmanuel De Neve
Director | Wellbeing Research Centre (University of Oxford)
Prof Jan-Emmanuel De Neve
Prof Jan-Emmanuel De Neve
Director | Wellbeing Research Centre (University of Oxford)
Luke Freeman
I've been very impressed with the quality of HLI's work. They help represent more diverse views, raise the standards for us all, and this greatly improves the effective giving ecosystem.

Luke Freeman
Executive Director | Giving What We Can
Luke Freeman
Luke Freeman
Executive Director | Giving What We Can

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