Month: April 2022

Operations Manager

We are recruiting an Operations Manager who will ensure the organisation runs smoothly across a variety of domains including finance, charity compliance, charity registration, human resources, fundraising support, logistics, and the development of internal processes and policies. They will implement policies and procedures, focus on efficiency, and address organisational bottlenecks if and when they arise.

Home page

Let's work together to create a happier world. The Happier Lives Institute connects donors, researchers, and policymakers with the most cost-effective opportunities to increase global wellbeing. Using the latest subjective wellbeing data, we identify the problems that matter most to people and find evidence-based ways to solve them.

Happiness for the whole family

We update our previous analysis to incorporate the household spillover effects for cash transfers and psychotherapy. We estimate that psychotherapy is 9 times (95% CI: 2, 100) more cost-effective than cash transfers. The charity StrongMinds is estimated to be 9 times (95% CI: 1, 90) more cost-effective than the charity GiveDirectly.

Moral Foundations of Progress Studies

The progress studies community has had a lot of discussion about technology, economics, history, and politics. However, there is no consensus on the moral basis for valuing or pursuing “progress,” and there are key open questions about how progress is to be judged and measured, who should benefit from it, and what type of progress we should pursue. The goal of this workshop is to reach a consensus on what major moral/ethical questions are at the foundations of a study of progress, and what broad answers to these questions have been proposed.